Ideas exchange workshop: Recruitment

Ideas exchange workshop: Recruitment

The Brewery


Our ideas exchange workshops will build on the world café discussions from the last in-person event. Designed to allow the audience to network with each other and consider a workforce priority, in this case, recruitment. Each session will feature an introduction to the topic and a panel to share feedback from the delegate table discussions. A great opportunity to offer insight into your own initiatives and challenges while learning from expert facilitators. 

This idea exchange discussion will feature insight from award winning recruitment initiatives as well as ask delegates to share their challenges and success on recruitment issues including: 

  • How effective is your international recruitment and what could be done better?
  • How can you develop internationally educated nurses (IENs)?
  • Other than government support, how else can international recruitment be streamlined?
  • What help do we need from overseas ministries and authorities to support international recruitment?
  • How do you identify overseas talent in your organisation and support career progression?

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