Nursing Times Digital Nursing 2024Nursing Times Digital Nursing 2024


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Nursing Times Digital Nursing 2024

Nursing Times Digital Nursing 2024

Register for your FREE place

Please note all registrations are subject to approval by the Nursing Times team. This event is free to attend for senior NHS, acute and communities and private health providers - see a list of sample permitted job titles on the registration page of the website. The NT team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility. For any questions – please contact

Nursing Times Digital Nursing 2024

Nursing Times Digital Nursing 2024

Register for your FREE place

Please note all registrations are subject to approval by the Nursing Times team. This event is free to attend for senior NHS, acute and communities and private health providers - see a list of sample permitted job titles on the registration page of the website. The NT team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility. For any questions – please contact